
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Live from Minneapolis: It’s ‘Sunday Night’

Some folks call it "Theology on Tap." At the Basilica, it's Sunday Night! Live!

On one Sunday night each month young adult members of the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis gather at a restaurant called Joe’s Garage to eat and talk. Not just small talk, but serious talk about issues related to faith and life.

The Basilica’s “Sunday Night Live” program started as an experiment, but has been a popular regular event for the last three years, according to Don Beyers, coordinator of youth and young adult ministries at the Basilica. The idea originated with Father Michael O’Connell, pastor of the Basilica, who wanted to get them excited about their faith and give them a chance to get to know each other, Beyers said.

“I would say our purpose is really to create an atmosphere where young adults, those in their 20s and 30s specifically, can really engage in their faith and reflect and discuss topics that are pertinent today in the church,” Beyers said. Fellowship is another reason for the program, he said. “People can connect with other young adults and spend time with one another.”

The discussion focuses on a different topic each month and is facilitated by someone with a connection to the subject. Upcoming topics include, “How Intelligent is Intelligent Design?” and “Life After Death: What Should I Pack?.” The program runs from September to June, taking a break in the summer to give the committee time to take care of planning details for the next year.

Beyers meets with a committee of six young adults to plan the next year’s events. “We try to sit down and think about what some of the pressing issues of the day are,” he said. Catholic Spirit

“Sunday Night Live” meets at Joe’s Garage, 1610 Harmon Place, Minneapolis, once a month after the Basilica of St. Mary’s 6:30 p.m. Mass. Upcoming topics include:

  • February 11 — When Can We Hook Up? A frank discussion on relationships
  • March 11 — What’s So Fishy About Fridays? Answers to your Lenten questions
  • April 15 — Do I Kneel or Do I Stand? Movement as liturgical expression
  • May 13 — How Intelligent is Intelligent Design?
  • June 10 — Life After Death: What Should I Pack?
  • For information: call (612) 317-3400 or e-mail

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