
Sunday, April 1, 2007

Holy Week: A Time of Recollection of Death and Resurrection

Cathy of Alex has a magnificent post today on handling death, our own, and that of our loved ones.

When It's Time To Let Go

It's hard to let go of a loved one. It's hard to accept when that loved one makes the decision to die. I'm not talking, in this instance, of ending their life via suicide or euthanasia. I'm talking about the moment that they make the decision to forgo more treatment. The moment when they are tired. Tired, of therapy, tired of pills, just tired. They may perceive, or have been told by a trusted doctor, that there is no chance for a cure. The loved one may make a decision that they are ready to die. At that point, it can be harder for those of us who will remain behind to accept their choice. The loved one has probably been bracing themselves for the likelihood that this decision may come eventually for some time. Some of us, who are caregivers, may have known that the decision may come but it is still hard for everyone to accept when it does.

Please read it and do save it and re-read it. And maybe you would like to pass it on to your loved ones. Here

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