
Friday, June 1, 2007

St Paul Cathedral Cornerstone Centennial June 1 - 3


Cathedral Cornerstone Centennial
Friday, June 1 through Sunday, June 3
Cathedral of
St. Paul
Selby Ave., St. Paul
Cost: FREE (except for food and beverages, $6 for Friday picnic supper)

The Cathedral of Saint Paul celebrates its 100th anniversary of
the laying of the Cornerstone of this magnificent Cathedral.

The weekend is marked with a parade, concerts, prayer,
fireworks, and a festival. Come and join the fun! Celebrate 100
years of faith at the Cathedral of Saint Paul!

Schedule at a glance

FRIDAY, JUNE 1, 2007:

Noon: Wreath Laying Ceremony at the site of the first Cathedral of Saint Paul
1:00-6:00 p.m.: Guided tours of the Cathedral
5:00-7:30 p.m.: Cornerstone Centennial Picnic supper
- Entertainment by the Middle Creek Spunk Boys

8:00 p.m.: Choral Festival at the Cathedral
followed by an ice cream reception & fireworks


10:00 a.m.-6:30 p.m.: Booths open
11:00 a.m.: Cathedral Cornerstone Centennial Parade from the Capitol to the Cathedral
1:15 p.m.: "Ringing Bells for Peace" - Bring bells from home!
1:30-6:30 p.m.: Guided tours of the Cathedral
2:00-6:30 p.m.: Entertainment on Festival stage
7:00 p.m.: Solemn Mass at the Cathedral

SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2007:

1:00 p.m.: Guided tour of the Cathedral
2:00 p.m.: Interfaith Prayer Service
6:00 p.m.: Solemn Vespers and Benediction

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