
Friday, June 22, 2007

Total LifeCare Centers to move next to Highland Park Abortion Mill

Total LifeCare Centers, a pregnancy resource service non-profit that has facilities throughout Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin, headquartered in St Paul, has decided to purchase a building on Ford Parkway only a few steps from that city's Highland Park Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill, one of the largest in Minnesota.

At the LifeCare Centers, we don't provide a quick fix and we don't look only at the current dilemma. We offer assistance to a woman as a whole person: We work with women because we know they have emotional, spiritual, and physical needs.

A pregnancy affects other people too. For this reason, our counselors often assist boyfriends, friends, husbands, and families in accepting and supporting the pregnancy.

Most exciting about the news is that Archbishop Harry Flynn has given them permission to reserve the Blessed Sacrament in their building so that Eucharistic Adoration may be held there on occasion.

Details on the final closing on the purchase of their new Highland Park home are not yet available. But you can be sure that we will make them known. There is a Dairy Queen currently under construction on the east side of the Planned Parenthood abortuarium. They will not be very happy to see an increase in the number of demonstrations right next to them. Tip O' the Hat to the SwissMiss from St Monica's Kneeler


swissmiss said...

Thanks for posting this, Ray. The more people that know about this, the more pressure that can be put on PP and the more women and their babies can be spared from abortion.

Anonymous said...

Are you the same Ray that trained with Adam in La Crosse?

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

This is SO cool! What a great way for women and their families to have TRUE choices! I'm posting this one for sure.

Unknown said...


Nope; I've only been in LaCrosse twice in my life, both for very short visits.

Anonymous said...

Do you think I could work there? I have been looking on the MN Council of Non-Profits web sight for something different and would'nt you know, Planned Parenthood is always looking for people.

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