
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Behold Life! Concert

Dear friend in Christ:

You are cordially invited to our Behold Life! Concert honoring Coadjutor Archbishop John Nienstedt and featuring new compositions by, Bob Hindel, Music Director of our parish of St. Andrew, and other new Christian songs by other local composers.

Sunday, December 2nd at 4:00 p.m. at St. Andrew Catholic Church at 1051 Como Ave in St. Paul, MN. FFI: 651-488-6775. Suggested donation: $10/person, $20/family. Proceeds benefit Neighbors for Life.

An invitation has been extended to Coadjutor Archibishop Nienstedt. It is unknown at the time of this writing if he will be able to attend or not.


Terry Nelson said...

Isn't this the Church Cathy attends?

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Yes, Ter, in fact I'm the one who posted it, Smarty Pants.

Ray and I are going. We'd be honored if you would join us. Who cares if H.E. is there when T.N. is in the house?

Terry Nelson said...

Oh. You did post it. Do you have access to all blogs?

Yeah - I'll meet you guys there.

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Huh? Good thing, I'm sitting down. I hope you can make it.

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Oh, one more thing. Too bad, I don't have access to all blogs. Hee-hee.

Terry Nelson said...

Who is Bob Hindell?

Unknown said...

Bob Hindel, Music Director of our parish of St. Andrew, according to what Ms. Cathy of Alex posted.

Interestingly, checking with my pal, Google, I see that Mr. Hindel (one "l") is also a composer who works with "Neighbors for Life" and has put on a couple of Pro-Life musicals.

Neighbors For Life

Bob Hindel is a Twin Cities pianist/ composer, who has written extensively for theater, ballet, orchestra and soloists. He also feels strongly that citizens should oppose the abominable practice of abortion. Therefore he and Jim Tarsney founded Neighbors for Life in 1996, which works tirelessly to end tax-funding of abortion in Minnesota (Minnesotans are paying $1,000,000 /year for elective abortions). Bob and Jim have coordinated a campaign to collect 50,000 signatures on a petition to stop abortion funding and built up extensive ties with pro-life legislators. They also have collaborated on artistic works, including the play "A Brief Moment" about abortion and remorse. Currently, they are co-creating the play "Jenny" about one woman's choice for life.

Hindel believes that the pro-life battle will be won (with God's guidance) on 3 fronts: political, cultural and religious. It is to this end that he and Tarsney and colleagues in Neighbors for Life are laboring.

Human Life Alliance

He is on the faculty of the Center for the Performing Arts

Never ask a Newsblogger for information that you aren't interested in reading tons of material on.

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Scoop: That's him.

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