
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Minnesota, as usual, slow to move on Latin

In the State of Minnesota, we don't get too excited about things, never adopting fads quickly like our fellow citizens on the east and west coasts, and never plummeting into despair at a ten point drop in the Dow Jones average.

Understandably, then, we have been slow to pick up and take advantage of the rights that Pope Benedict, in his Motu Proprio and Summorum Pontificum documents, gave to all priests to celebrate the 1962 Latin Mass privately if they want, or "publicly" at the request of a "stable group." We pretty much have ignored all of the twitter and hoopla, especially found in certain blogging circles. And not much changed here after three months.

Father J.P. Echert who is the pastor of St Augustine's and Holy Trinity in South St Paul, at the east end of the Archdiocese, and the only parish that had previously possessed the indult to have the traditional Latin Mass, has increased its frequency to include weekdays, shared between the two parishes.

I thought that there might be as many as six parishes (0ut of 220 in the archdiocese) that might experiment with Latin. But until yesterday, I had not heard of any. One of my "crazy" blogging correspondents informed me of the following at the northwest end of the archdiocese:

I was wondering if you would mention on the blog the good news that Fr. [Timothy] Cloutier is offering the Latin Mass this Sunday December 2nd at St. Walburga's at 1:00 pm.

There was one in Corcoran last month. What is happening is that the priests in that deanery are assessing the interest in the Latin Mass and trying a few locations to see which one would be the best fit. I heard that St. Michael was also being considered.
It would be so nice if we could get a good crowd to show the semi-reluctant priests around here that there is a desire for this and also a willingness to support it (not just a novelty to throw around once a year or so).

I was thinking of having a contest to see who could tell me where "St Walburga's" was as I couldn't find it in my "Official" 2006 Minnesota Catholic Directory; but I decided to ask my correspondent where this was.

Sorry, St. Walburgas is in Fletcher (just outside of Rogers) and is part of the St. Walburga/St. Martin's (in Rogers) union now called "Mary, Queen of Peace" (but both churches are still used for the Liturgy). The church of Corcoran is St. Thomas the Apostle and, FYI is lead by one of my favorite priests in the world, Fr. Michael Rudolph (he was the associate pastor at my home parish in St. Michael until last year). The St. Walburga "campus" (they call the two different locations by their former names to differentiate) is so cute and old fashioned. It's like stepping back 100 years or so. My mother's relatives were some of the original parishioners so I have some history there (great-grand relatives buried in the cemetery across the street from it!) and my grandma went to school and church there when she was little. I really can't wait until Sunday!

You'll note that "Fletcher" can be found in Hassan Township. Minnesota geography is very complicated.

I would say that this area ranked highest in my thoughts as to where the "Extraordinary Mass" would first begin to be celebrated in Minnesota. So I got that part right.

Little did I think that St James parish, in the city of that name in Watonwan County in the Diocese of Winona would beat the most parishes in the archdiocese to the punch. They will have a "Tridentine Latin Mass" Missa Cantata at 9am on Saturday, Dec 8, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, and on Christmas Day, Dec 25. These Masses are celebrated by Father Thomas Cook of that parish.

The Tridentine Mass has been regularly celebrated on First Saturdays at Ss Peter and Paul in Mankato, also in the Diocese of Winona.

Postscript: From The Remnant on October 24:

Another Tridentine Latin Mass in Minnesota

The Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis will be having an additional Mass in the Tridentine rite, in the NW metro area, on the 1st Sunday of the month at 1 p.m., beginning November 4th. The November Mass will be at St. Thomas the Apostle in Corcoran. The December Mass will be at the same time but at St. Walburga's in Fletcher/Rogers. It is likely that the January Mass will be in St. Michael at the old St. Michael Church. Details will be made available when it is known for sure. The priests of these parishes have graciously offered their churches to host the Mass and it will rotate around to determine if one location is better for those attending. There are also another 2 priests in Wright county who are willing to learn this Mass so hopefully it will become a weekly Mass and perhaps move to an earlier time.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Tridentine Mass Reminder

Just a reminder that there will be a Tridentine (Latin) Mass this Sunday at St. Walburga's in Rogers/Fletcher Minnesota. Mass will be at 1:00. It is possible that this Mass will be every other week instead of just the 1st. Sunday. Please keep that in your prayers.

There are also plans for a third Tridentine Mass location south of the Twin Cities metro area. Two priests from that area attended a Fraternity of St. Peter workshop in Lincoln, NE on saying the Tridentine Mass. More details on that location as they become available and they have an official start date.


The Ironic Catholic said...

More saints, more Latin masses, local boy becomes bishop tomorrow...

how will Minneapolis/St Paul survive getting so trumped?


Equiti Albo Crucis said...

Thanks for the link Ray on the Tridentine Mass. We actually had a Mass over Labor Day weekend at St. Mary's in Waverly which was nicely attended. I'm not sure if the problem is more from the clergy or the laity. I know there are several priests in our area who are willing to learn or at least support the Mass. It's just that I don't see that many lay people pushing them.

Unknown said...


You sure know how to hurt a guy.

And besides that I would suspect that you have a lot less wymin-priest ceremonies and other dissident activities.

Those of us in the know are pushing real hard for Solanus Casey to get that last miracle approved because Prescott, WI, is in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) and God approves of government ("Render unto Caesar etc.").

And Solanus as a young man worked for a time at the "joint", the State Prison in Stillwater, so that should qualify him geographically as a Minnesotan.

Unknown said...


No problem on the link. Always happy to publicize events around the state and vicinity.

Good news to hear of Waverly. I figured that the west part of the diocese would be the main area where the TLM movement would start because many of them out there had been driving to South St Paul for years and are thrilled to free up their Sunday mornings a bit.

"No lay pushing" -- That's Minnesota for you.

Anonymous said...

I did hear that another church in South St. Paul began having TLM masses at Holy Trinity I believej--or I think thats the parish name.

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