
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Biblia Clerus: Catholics Now Have an OnLine Bible Concordance Based in Rome

The Vatican Congregation for the Clergy has unveiled a powerful new web site, linking Bible texts with commentary from the Church fathers, doctors of the Church, councils, catechisms, and other magisterial documents.

The Biblia Clerus site links each passage of the Bible-- Old and New Testaments-- with commentary taken from a rich variety of sources. In an introductory note Cardinal Claudio Hummes, the prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, explains that the site provides "Sacred Scripture, its interpretation in light of Sacred Tradition and the teachings of the Magisterium, with appropriate theological commentary and exegesis."

The sources of the commentary-- many of them provided in full on the site-- include the works of the apostolic fathers, saints, Popes, and councils. The site also provides links to the Code of Canon Law (and the Code for the Eastern Church), and to the catechisms of the Council of Trent, St. Pius X, and the 1997 edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Although designed for priests, the Biblia Clerus site is available to the general public. The entire contents of the site can be downloaded. Catholic World News That's right, you can download all the databases to your own computer.

Search a Biblical text and its commentary
This allows you to locate specific references to Sacred Scripture made by Doctors of the Church and the Magisterium.

Download or update Biblia Clerus
This allows you to download the entire content of this site onto your computer, or upgrade from the CD version.

Canon Law and commentaries
This contains the current and earlier versions of both the Latin and Eastern Codes of Canon Law, in parallel and with their fonts.

Commentary on the Sunday liturgy
This allows you to cross-reference liturgical texts to homilies of the Church Fathers.

The texts of the Magisterium and commentaries
This contains the principal texts of the Magisterium of the Church, as well as commentaries by the Popes.
This provides access to the electronic library of the Congregation for the Clergy, conferences, scholarly analysis, etc.

What's your excuse now for not knowing your Faith? You say you don't have a computer? I'd bet your local library has one, just waiting for you.


Vincenzo said...

Cool! Thanks!

swissmiss said...

This is really neat. I appreciate this for my bible more being stuck on not knowing the answers to the study questions :)

Unknown said...

So, Swissy, this means nothing but A+ grades for you from now on, right?

I don't know if they do it today, but I always thought that "open book tests" were the fairest way to test people.

In "real life" the "book" will often be available and a good test will want to determine how well you can use the "book."

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