
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Argument of the Month Club: April 8, 6:30 p.m. - Homosexuality


A Men's Forum for Catholic Apologetics

Second Tuesday of the Month, from October through May
Church of St. Augustine, South St. Paul, MN

Father John Paul Echert
will be giving his presentation,

"Straight Talk on Homosexuality: The Catholic Perspective"

The menu
Ridiculously Good Smoked Beef Rib Tips and Smoked Salmon


Smoked Beef Brisket, and Charcoal Roasted Sirloin Tip (Seasoned to perfection and you can smother it with either one of our two kinds of Sauces, 1st a thick rich peppery red wine herbed mushroom sauce, 2nd a sweet rich robust BBQ Sauce.
Kent's Awesome Potato Salad
Sassy Green Beans
Hearty Bread

Calorie-Laden Dessert:
Triple Chocolate Cake covered in wild berries served with Chocolate Espresso Ice cream and everything gets smothered in a Chocolate Liqueur Sauce.

Tuesday, April 8th
Social at 6:30pm (beverages and appetizers)
Dinner at 7:00pm
Total cost for the evening is $12 at the door

There will be time for you to agree or disagree with our speaker during the Q&A, which starts immediately following dessert. But you are all encouraged to enjoy the good humor, food and fellowship. We enjoy the company of men from all different creeds and ages. Priests and seminarians get in for free but are not shown any partiality in debate. Fathers may bring their sons as long as they accompany them.


Cathy_of_Alex said...

Even without the salad this menu is sounding kind of "femme" to me:

red wine herbed mushroom?
smoked SALMON?
wild berries?
flavored LIQUOR?

What's next month? Sushi rolls with sea salt and vinegar baked chicken?:-)

You left out the part about the after speech karaoke. You know, where all you guys wail on "My Way" and sob to "El Paso" I've seen the video. LOL!

Sounds like a great meeting. As usual, I'm jealous. I still think Crazy Mama and I need to stage an invasion.

Terry Nelson said...

Cath - just go in drag.

Ray - do you realize how funny "No Salads" reads for this particular meeting?

Unknown said...


The "green-eyed monster", envy, raises its ugly head!

Some days, they probably wouldn't get excited. But if last month's by Fr. Altier on the Devil and Exorcisms was SRO, they are figuring that this month we'll be sitting on somebody's lap.

I'm just realizing that now!

It was meant as a private joke! But I see what you mean.

I'll probably get accused of a "hate crime" now.

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Ray, hon, I would forgo sitting on any man's lap for this particular talk. Maybe next month you can do that again, sweetie.

Luv ya!

Unknown said...


If it's crowded, given the nature of the presentation by Father Echert on April 8, I would prefer that you sit on my lap rather than one of the normal attendees.

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

I'm already plotting my disguise.
Now that I'm not so obviously female (it would have been hard pulling that big, baby belly off as a "beer gut"), it should be a lot easier!

HA!...on the "lap" comment! Heeheeheehee!

Seriously, I don't go to those boring women's conferences or mom's time out type of dealios because they are so...GIRLY. Dang, Ray! Why you gotta go and brag about that last month's meeting, huh? Now I'm all covet-y again!

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Ray: You dirty boy you!!!

Unknown said...

Cathy, just to let the readers know, I'll be keeping my hands on the Smoked Salmon, the Charcoal Roasted Sirloin Tip the potato salad and the "Triple Chocolate Cake covered in wild berries served with Chocolate Espresso Ice cream and everything gets smothered in a Chocolate Liqueur Sauce."

I'll be too busy (for a while) to be doing anything else!

Vincenzo said...

"Triple Chocolate Cake covered in wild berries served with Chocolate Espresso Ice cream and everything gets smothered in a Chocolate Liqueur Sauce."


Unknown said...

If you can make it, Vinnie, I'll save you a seat up front.

And if you can come early to help with the food preparation, you might even get an extra Triple Chocolate Cake covered in wild berries served with Chocolate Espresso Ice cream and everything gets smothered in a Chocolate Liqueur Sauce. And perhaps an Indian Pale Ale by Summit!

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