
Monday, June 16, 2008

The Third Annual Ironic Catholic Poetry Contest!

Far be it for me to give needless pub to someone far more talented than I, but The Ironic Catholic is now holding her third annual poetry contest. Get over there and see if you can beat me. I've entered in the Clerihew division. Look it up yourself!

The Ironic Catholic
A notably humorous chick
Teaches babies and bloggers and scholars,
How by writing they can make more than a few dollars!

Ray from Minn.
Abstains from Sin
But sometimes on a weekday
He is very grateful for morning confessions at Nativitay

Cathy of Alexandria
Keeps her walleyes in crystalline aquaria
And after the deer season is done, has her humungous trophy antlers
On the top of her multitudinous priceless fireplace mantlers.

Terry of the Many Blogs
At Dayton’s learned how to wear classy togs
But in brevity he was not at the top of his class
And now leads St. Blogs with his numerous posts, alas.


Terry Nelson said...

Very good Raymond.

BTW - I go to Nativity in the evening for Confession. Old men who wake up every hour on the hour to go to the bathroom can't get up for morning Mass anymore.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Ter'

Have you visited Nativity's visiting Indian associate or parochial vicar or whatever they call him?

He's probably studying at the U or UST and living at Nativity. A Holy Ghost father from Notre Dame did that a couple of years ago.

Fr. Tom Thakadipuram? His English is better than mine.

And his penances are rough. He assigned me the 150 psalms last week. Fortunately, not all at once.

Seriously, he takes the sacrament extremely seriously himself and he spends time with you (to the detriment of those in line behind me last week who had to come back the next day).

Cathy_of_Alex said...

There was a young gal from Ealing....

Oh, ok never mind!

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