
Sunday, September 28, 2008

Cathedral Parish refurbishing their web page for the Pauline Year (It looks like they are off to a great start!)


First Saturday Series

This series of mini-retreats at the Cathedral of St. Paul, held from 8 a.m. to noon the first Saturday of every month from October through June, includes confession, Mass, eucharistic adoration, speakers and Benediction. The sessions are designed to deepen participants’ appreciation for the Apostle Paul and Catholics’ call to the new evangelization.

Participants have an opportunity to receive a special Pauline year indulgence if they go to confession, receive the Eucharist and pray for the intentions of the pope.

Oct. 4 — Jeff Cavins

Jeff Cavins, creator of “The Great Adventure: A Journey Through the Bible” program, is recognized internationally as a dynamic Bible teacher who can take complex theological concepts and make them practical for everyone. After 12 years as a Protestant pastor, Cavins returned to the Catholic Church. He was the first host of EWTN’s “Life on the Rock.” Cavins is director of the Archbishop Harry J. Flynn Catechetical Institute in St. Paul.
•“Between the Cross and the Resurrection: A Reflection on Corinthians”
In his letters to the Corinthians, St. Paul brought up a number of issues that the Corinthians needed to address if they were to be faithful witnesses. Today in the United States, we face many of the same issues that Paul wrote about.
• “I Can Do All Things Through Christ”
St. Paul often experienced difficulties in bringing the Gospel to the world. Yet, in the midst of his journeys, he learned that he could do all things through Christ, who strengthened him. As you strive to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ, find out what St. Paul meant when he said, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”

Nov. 1 — Peter Kreeft
Peter Kreeft is a professor of philosophy at Boston College and at King’s College in New York City. He is a regular contributor to several Christian publications and has authored more than 45 books.
• “St. Paul Offers Some Good News and Some Bad News” (part 1)
St. Paul formed the essential shape of all subsequent Christian theology by concentrating on the themes of sin and salvation, or bad news and good news.
• “St. Paul Offers Some Good News and Some Bad News” (part 2)
The unparalleled optimism of St. Paul is made possible only by the context of the pessimism that his critics faulted him for.

Dec. 6 — Janet Smith
Janet Smith holds the Father Michael J. McGivney Chair of Life Ethics at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. She speaks nationally and internationally on the Catholic teachings on sexuality and bioethics. She is serving a second term as a consultor to the Pontifical Council on the Family.
• “Ephesians 5: About Much More Than Marriage”
Pope John Paul II viewed Ephesians 5 not only as a key to the proper spousal relationship but also as revelatory of the ultimate relationship between each soul and God. Learn why the description of Christ as bridegroom is perhaps the most important of all descriptions.
• “Ephesians 4: Vocation and Unity”
Many people feel unworthy and unimportant. Understanding the concept of a personal vocation and the unity of the body of Christ will purge us of those negative thoughts.

Jan. 3 — Father James Kubicki
Jesuit Father James Kubicki is the national director of the Apostleship of Prayer, which fosters devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He has appeared on EWTN and is a regular contributor to Relevant Radio.
• “Have the Mind and Heart of Jesus”
St. Paul challenged us to have the mind and heart of Christ, to share the thoughts, feelings, attitudes and values of Jesus. This talk will provide suggestions for living, as St. Paul put it, “no longer I, but Christ living in me.”
• “Living a Eucharistic Life”

A continuation of the first talk.

Feb. 7 — Father Thomas Richter
Father Thomas Richter is vocation director and vicar for deacons for the Diocese of Bismarck, N.D.
• “What Does it Mean to be in Christ?”
Faith is an interior and ongoing act of consciously choosing to receive Christ in one’s heart and allowing the Lord to direct us in our daily lives. This session will examine how to foster this life of grace.
• “Remaining in Christ”
As grace transforms us, we become more aware that “it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). This is the great lifelong adventure Jesus offers to each individual and the church.

March 7 — Sister Anne Flanagan
A Daughter of St. Paul for over 30 years, Sister Anne served as catechetical author and editor for Pauline Books & Media, Boston, and is a specialist in Pauline spirituality.
• “The Conversion of St. Paul”
As we renew our commitment to Christ during Lent, what can the Apostle Paul teach us about conversion? How might he address the forms of temptation and suffering we face today?
• “Paul, Joy and the Cross”
A continuation of the first talk.

March 7 event for teens — Mother Mary Assumpta Long

Mother Mary Assumpta Long, O.P., is the prioress general of the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist in Ann Arbor, Mich. The community’s primary apostolate is Catholic education in the spirit of the New Evangelization.
• “Faith and Reason: Friends or Foes?”

What’s the relationship between faith and reason? Faith and science? How can we respond to the “new atheism”? What would St. Paul say?
• “Media Is a Faith Thing”
Viewing the media from a faith perspective.

April 4 — Edward Sri

Edward Sri is professor of theology and Scripture at the Augustine Institute’s Master’s in Catechetics and Evangelization program in Denver. He is is a founding leader of Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). Sri also serves as a visiting professor at Benedictine College, where he taught full-time for nine years.
• “Men, Women and the Mystery of Love: St. Paul’s Theology of Love and Marriage”
The modern world offers a picture of relationships, love and marriage that has caused much uncertainty and confusion. St. Paul, however, wrote about true Christian love and a vision of Christian marriage that is crucial today.

May 2 — Mother Mary Assumpta Long

See biographical information under March 7 event.
• “The Prayer of St. Paul”

St. Paul’s epistles reveal much about his prayer life. This talk focuses on how Christians today might imitate him to grow closer to God.
• “St. Paul on Suffering”
St. Paul is a champion of all who suffer, and his writings are filled with encouragement to take up our daily cross to follow Jesus.

June 6 — To be announced

Faith and Reason Series
This series of monthly lectures, held from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul, will include time for questions.

Thursday, Oct. 30 — Father Robert Barron
Father Robert Barron is the Francis Cardinal George Chair of Faith and Culture at the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary in Mundelein, Ill. Ordained an archdiocesan priest in Chicago in 1986, he also has published numerous books, essays and DVDs.
• “Evangelizing in a Postmodern Context”

This presentation will explore the challenges of evangelizing in contemporary culture.

Tuesday, Nov. 11 — Colleen Carroll Campbell

Colleen Carroll Campbell is a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, former speechwriter to President George W. Bush and author of “The New Faithful: Why Young Adults Are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy.” She also hosts the television show “Faith & Culture” on EWTN.
• “Transformed, Not Conformed: Pauline Principles for Creating a Culture of Life”
St. Paul’s passion for the Gospel, confidence in Christ and willingness to challenge the pagan culture of his day make him an ideal model of Christian cultural engagement for our day, too. Campbell will draw on Scripture, Catholic tradition and her own experiences in politics and the media to distill fundamental principles that can guide Catholics in creating a culture that honors God and respects human dignity.

Thursday, Dec. 4 — Pia de Solenni
Pia de Solenni owns her own consulting company, Diotima Consulting, in Philadelphia. She is an expert in issues relating to women’s health, life issues, the new feminism and culture. Her work has appeared in various publications including The Wall Street Journal Europe, The Washington Post, National Catholic Reporter, Our Sunday Visitor, and National Review Online. As an ethicist and moral theologian, de Solenni has participated in many radio and television talk shows on various topics.
• “St. Paul and Women”
St. Paul has often been labeled a misogynist, but de Solenni makes the case that his discussion of women is profound and anything but misogynist. In fact, Paul’s reflections could do much to enhance the contemporary understanding of women.

Pathways Series

Pathways is a committee of Cathedral parishioners whose mission is to provide adult faith education opportunities to parishioners and guests. Gatherings are held from 7 to 9 p.m. every Monday in the cathedral. Free-will donations will be accepted.

Sept. 22 to March 23 — DVD series by Jeff Cavins
See biographical information under Oct. 4 First Saturday Series event.

• “Adventures in Acts — The Spread of the Kingdom”
This is a 19-week DVD series in which Scripture scholar Jeff Cavins teaches about the Acts of the Apostles and early church history. This study shows how other parts of the New Testament fit into the narrative of Acts, with references to the “Catechism of the Catholic Church.”

Monday, April 27 — Jonathan Reyes
Jonathan Reyes is professor of church history and culture at the Augustine Institute in Denver. Previously, he served as the vice president for academic affairs of Christendom College.
• “St. Paul, Patron of the New Evangelization”

May 11 to June 15 — DVD series by Tim Gray
Tim Gray is a modern-day Scripture scholar and popular Catholic author. Gray has worked with other Catholic writers such as Jeff Cavins to create such works as the “Great Adventure Bible” program. Gray is also a Scripture professor at St. John Vianney Seminary in St. Paul and director at Denver Catholic Biblical School.
• “1 Corinthians: The Church and the Christian Community”
In this five-week study on St. Paul’s letters to the Corinthians, Gray discusses the conflicts the early Christians, comparing them to similar struggles facing Christians today. He covers the importance of Christian unity, Paul’s strategy for evangelization, how to live a Christian life in the midst of a pagan culture, how Christ is truly made present in the Eucharist, and seeing the body as the temple of the Holy Spirit.

Interfaith/Ecumenical Series

Wednesday, April 22 — Christopher Malloy and guest speaker

Christopher Malloy is an assistant theology professor at the University of Dallas.
• A Discussion of the “Joint Declaration on Justification Between Lutherans and Catholics”
This will be a joint presentation given by representatives of the Lutheran and Catholic traditions on the declaration and its pastoral ramifications for the faithful in both congregations.

Wednesday, April 29 — Rabbi Alan Segal
Rabbi Alan Segal is professor of religion and Ingeborg Rennert Professor of Jewish Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University. He is the author of several books, as well as numerous scholarly articles.
• “Paul the Convert”
Rabbi Segal will speak about St. Paul from a Jewish perspective.


June 25 and 26 — Epiphany Studio Productions
• “Paul of Tarsus”
This one-man drama performed by actor Jeremy Stanbary centers on Paul, the Apostle to the gentiles.

Pilgrimage to Rome

June 26 to July 5

This pilgrimage to Rome to celebrate the close of the Year of St. Paul will be led by Cathedral rector Father Joseph Johnson.

The Catholic Spirit


Anonymous said...


Gosh, that programs department is really slacking over there at the Cathedral. I mean, you'd think with one man he could put together more than this. ;) Amazing job -kudos to Mark Croteau, Director of Programs extraordinaire.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the info, Anon.

That is a awfully good program. There are many colleges that probably couldn't put together a program like that.

And indeed he's got some pretty great (and in demand) people coming to the Cathedral. They would be extremely busy people too, so it must have taken a tremendous number of phone calls to get that put together. Plus Mark's regular duties.

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