
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Young Voters Boost California Marriage Amendment: Good Guys are Leading in San Francisco, would you believe.


Television ad, door-to-door campaigning shift momentum.

California's Prop. 8, which would amend the state constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman, is gaining support.

In a poll of likely voters conducted for CBS 5 in San Francisco, Californians favored the marriage amendment 47 percent to 42 percent. The strongest support came from voters ages 18 to 34, a group that has supported same-sex "marriage" in previous polls.

Marriage advocates attributed the gain to their first television ad, which was released last week, and to their massive door-to-door campaign.

"We are thrilled with the new polling data," said Yes on 8 campaign co-manager Frank Schubert. "It confirms what we have heard from thousands of supporters.

"The ad that is running is powerful and provocative. Not only does it show the arrogance of those who would impose same-sex marriage on California whether we like it or not, but it also shows that voters are beginning to understand there are consequences to … same-sex marriage."

Jenny Tyree, marriage analyst at Focus on the Family Action, said the poll is a shot in the arm to supporters of marriage in California, and will hopefully serve as the momentum needed to pass Prop. 8. But it was only 12 days ago that those opposed to the measure had the lead, so every vote will count on November 4.

Learn more about California's marriage amendment. If you live in California, please vote "Yes" on Prop. 8.

Paid for by – Yes on 8, a Project of California Renewal. 2150 River Plaza Dr Ste 150, Sacramento CA 95833

Major funding by Knights of Columbus, American Family Association, National Organization for Marriage California, and Focus on the Family.

If the polls show that the pro-marriage/family supporters are leading in San Francisco, I would imagine a few politicians are starting to get worried, not to mention a few GLBTQ types, or however they call themselves these days.

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