
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Terry Nelson wasn't kidding (as is often the case) when he talked about an art show


Blogger Terry Nelson has posted some of his most recent art on his Abbey-Roads web page

There are ten posts, all consecutive, each with several small paintings. I know you will enjoy them.
It's wonderful to find a blogger who has this much talent.
The exhibit consists of small paintings and drawings by Terry Nelson on paper. Each piece is approximately 5" x 7", and is executed in oils, or crayon. The pieces will be shown in groups of 2 or 3 on separate posts. No particular order or classification is made as regards subject matter. The exhibit is a glimpse into the concept of compartmental thought, as well as vision; whether it comprises one's perception of the details of a painting, a landscape, an aspiration, or a memory. The work is serious, albeit undisciplined; the result of an exercise of free association and expression.

If you are viewing this in late November, you will find them near the top of this link:
Otherwise, take a look:

You can also find all of the paintings by searching for the word "compartments" in the box at the top left of Terry's Abbey-Roads blog.

1 comment:

Terry Nelson said...

Thank you very much for the plug!

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