
Friday, August 28, 2009

It's a Mad, Mad, Secular, Antagonistic World

I just got back from the Planned Parenthood abortion factory in St. Paul where I have recently been joining a small group led by Fr. Randy Kasel (of St. Charles parish in Bayport, 30 miles distant) that meets at 3:00 each Friday, the Hour of Divine Mercy, to say the Rosary, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and other prayers for the the employees, customers and patients of that for-profit, government subsidized company, and their victims.

It is located on Ford Parkway, a very busy street, and a fair number of drivers signal their opinion of us , favorable or unfavorable, hard to say, with their horns. Some shout F-bombs out the windows of their cars. One lady today pulled over, stopped and yelled out: "I no longer bring my son to the library on Fridays so my son won't have to see you people!" A large St. Paul branch library is right across the street.

That reminded me of a Catholic patient that I visited at a hospital last week. As I normally do when I enter a room, knock, introduce myself, maybe find out where the patient is from, and then ask, "May I say an Our Father for you while you are in the hospital?" He responded "Why?" I responded, "Well, you ARE in the hospital."


Terry Nelson said...

You are everywhere man of God! God bless you!

I laughed at your response - "Well, you are in the hospital." Very nice.

The woman who can't take her son to the library because of "you people" - unreal - as if you are the bad guys.

Fr. Andrew said...

When I was at SJV, another seminarian and I would go to Ford Parkway and pray on Fridays at 3pm. Every week, like clockwork, there was a small pickup that would drive past and a voice would yell: "Get a job, A$$holes!"

As I said a prayer for him, I'd always wonder what he was doing driving around at 3pm on a Friday.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Terry. The guy was kinda chagrined when I said it, too. Others have refused, but most just say "no."

I always start with the Our Father because I know it is a prayer that they know. I wouldn't be any good at spontaneous prayer. And that's too "protestanty" for mamy Catholics.

I'm kinda turning into a real blogger. If you see me continually baring my soul and going on rants like you and Cathy, STOP ME!

Thanks for the observation, Father. I myself wondered about how many abortions those "responders" were involved with; especially the mother.

Fr. Corapi tells of a confrontation by a woman who wouldn't back down; he responded by informing her that she was in a state of mortal sin because she was taking birth control pills and she couldn't see the truth because she had been blinded. She burst into tears.

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

May the Lord bless you and protect you in all of your works of mercy, Ray.

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Ray: Keep up the good work, brother.

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