
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Argument of the Month Club, Tues. Jan 12: Vatican II and the Spirit of Woodstock

The Argument of the Month Club this month is hosting Chris Ferrara, President and Chief Counsel of the American Catholic Lawyers Association, who will give a presentation on, “Vatican II and the Spirit of Woodstock.”

Author a
nd pro-life attorney Christopher A. Ferrara (who worked on the Theresa Schiavo case) will argue that current condition of the Church arises from a failed experiment in liberalism that has never risen to the level of binding Catholic doctrine. Hence the title of his widely acclaimed study of changes in the Church after Vatican II: The Great Facade.

Mr. F
errara will address what the book calls “a regime of novelty in the Roman Catholic Church” since Vatican II and what he contends are its disastrous effects on virtually every aspect of the Church’s health and well-being. In one of his most controversial statements Mr. Ferrara declares that ”The Council’s much-vaunted ‘opening to the world’ was, in truth, a suppression of the Church’s immune system, resulting almost immediately in the many-faceted disease that now afflicts her.” He contends that the Church is quite capable of putting Vatican II and the changes that followed behind her, because neither the Council nor the Popes since the Council have imposed on the faithful any real change in what a Catholic must believe or do in order to be Catholic. He considers “getting over the Council” a matter of urgent priority for the Church.

The event is being held at St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, 408-3rd St N in South St. Paul, at a cost of $12 at the door.
A Social with Appetizers begin at 6:00 pm with Dinner served at 7:00 pm and the Lecture at 7:30 pm.


Terry Nelson said...

"Getting over the Council" an urgent priority.

Obviously not to Pope benedict and the Magisterium.

Mr. Ferrara also believes the Holy See was lying as regards the Third Secret of Fatima.

The Argument of the Month Club seems to be recruiting for the Final Battle... ;)

Cathy_of_Alex said...

What?! No food at this meeting?!?

Unknown said...

Well, there's "Dinner" but their announcement didn't include the menu. I'm sure it will the usual manly menu with meat and more munchy comestibles.

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

Who uses words like "comestibles" anymore? I love you, Ray!

Unknown said...

You want to know who else used it first? John Cleese in the "Cheese Shop Sketch", I believe.

Sometimes there is only one word that fits.

Happy New Year, Craze!! More kids on the way?

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