Sunday, May 7, 2006

Barb Nicolosi Comes Out With All Guns A-Blazing on the Da Vinci Code

Barb, founder of Act One, a Hollywood nonprofit organization that trains people of faith for careers in mainstream film & TV, really lays it on the line here. She is one of the very few that has actually read the script of the Da Vinci Code movie:

It has been suggested to me many times in the last year, that the reason some non-Catholic Christians have been so willing to sell DVC for Sony Pictures, and why some pastor types have been cheerily encouraging Christians to see the film with tolerance and a good sense of humor, and why the few angry-dissident Catholics who are shrugging at the film are so pleased to do so, comes down to inner, unrepentant anti-Catholic bigotry. This latent anger against the Catholic Church also explains the weird kind of glee in some non-Catholic Christians who have been "looking forward to the opportunity" that this clearly blasphemous movie represents.
We need to be very clear here: The Da Vinci Code is much, much worse than The Last Temptation of Christ in the errors that it contains. Last Temptation was wrangling with what being a God-Man really looked like. Da Vinci Code asserts that there was no God in Christianity's God-Man.
[snip] Read it All!

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