Saturday, May 13, 2006

Refuting The Da Vinci Code: "The Da Vinci Code may be fiction, but it still misleads minds and souls."

Father Paul Jarvis of Our Lady of Grace in Edina is the latest to take his "at bats" against the DVC. It looks like a four-bagger to me!

Many people respond to Dan Brown's bestselling book "The Da Vinci Code" and the forthcoming film version with this mantra: "It's only fiction."It's only fiction."It's only fiction."

True, it is only fiction, both in its story line and in the so-called factual history woven in -- a history that is more than simply romanticized, and often wrong. It's a mostly bogus history purportedly revealing Christianity's original understanding of Christ as simply a moral prophet who cured, taught and died. End of story. No incarnation. No Eucharist. No resurrection. No eternal life for anyone.

This aspect of the book -- as well as the movie -- is not clear for all to see, especially the unchurched, ex-churched and underchurched. And, I might add, the underaged. [snip] Star Tribune

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