
Sunday, June 25, 2006 Adds More Documents to its Promised "Final Report on the Gay Subculture in the St Paul Seminary"

Fourteen additional documents and essays have been placed on the web page of the to add to its "Final Report on the Gay Subculture in the St Paul Seminary." The report was orginally promised by the Feast of Pentecost., several weeks ago now.

Some documents were put on their website at Pentecost and we reported on them June 10 here. It is presumed that more documents are still forthcoming.

The most recent documents include eight essays by Dr David Pence, head of the organization, four Vatican documents and two items by or about American Bishops. The documents are general in nature and none of them appear to deal specifically with events that have occurred within the Archdiocese of St Paul-Minneapolis, or with individuals of the Archdiocese.

The documents are on the docsociety's website in the area marked "New Essays." For your convenience we have posted them here. The actual titles of the documents may vary slightly from what is written here.

1. Pope Benedict XVI audiences on the apostolic nature of the Church

2. The Missing Icon: Masculine Fraternity and the Priesthood, by Dr. Pence

Respecting Authority: Fraternal Dialogue and Reliable Witness,< style="font-family:verdana;"> by Dr. Pence<>

4. Philia, Purity Codes, and Psychology, by Dr. Pence

Whatever Happened to Social Justice: Church Bureaucrat as Generational Narcissist, by Dr. Pence

Orate Fratres: Liturgical Renewal and Brotherhood, by Dr. Pence

Why Celibacy? by Dr. Pence

8. < style="font-weight: bold;font-family:verdana;">Celibacy, Cosmology and the Easter Mutation

Masculine Publics and the Transmission of Tradition, by Dr. Pence

Deus Caritas est, "God is Love", Pope Benedict XVI's first papal encyclical

. Vatican Document on Seminaries and the Admission of Homosexuals (pdf file)

12. To Make Sure We Really Protect Children, We Need Answers, by Bishop Robert Vasa of Baker, OR

13. One Bishop's Response to Virtus Mandate, Article about Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz of Lincoln, NE, in his opposition to the Bishop's National Review Board

14. Vatican Document on Teaching Sexuality In the Context of Family

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