
Friday, February 20, 2009

Archbishop Nienstedt designates 15 churches as pilgrimage sites for the Pauline Year

Archbishop John Nienstedt has designated 15 churches in the archdiocese as pilgrimage sites, where the faithful can receive a plenary, or full, indulgence during the 2008-2009 Jubilee Year of St. Paul.

repent.jpgAn indulgence is a remission of the temporal punishment due to sin. It can be granted on behalf of the individual petitioner or on behalf of departed souls.

Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed the jubilee year, which concludes June 29, to celebrate the approximately 2,000th anniversary of St. Paul’s birth.

During the Lenten season, with its focus on reconciliation, the plenary indulgence provides further incentive for Catholics to partake in the sacrament.

Archbishop Nienstedt recently issued a decree listing the designated pilgrimage churches:

The conditions for receiving the plenary indulgence are: sacramental confession, reception of the Eucharist, prayers for the pope’s intentions, total detachment from sin [Mortal AND Venial Sins], and participation in a public act of devotion to the Apostle Paul at any of the 15 pilgrimage sites during the Pauline year or at any Catholic church on June 29.

More information is about indulgences (yes, they still do exist) is at the Catholic Spirit web page.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful! God Bless Archbishop Nienstedt!

Dan said...

Come to Sacred Heart where we have a first class relic of St. Paul for public veneration, to the right of the sanctuary beside an icon of this great Apostle to the gentiles!

Laura The Crazy Mama said...

Come to St. Michael where we have a first class lady named "Laura" who will horrify you with her screachy voice at 8:30 Mass.

Cathy_of_Alex said...

Crazy Mama: Gosh, I'm so torn between what you and Dan are offering....


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