
Sunday, February 22, 2009

St. Helena's Adult Education Programs this Spring

"Basic Teachings of the Catholic Faith"
The Church of St. Helena, Minneapolis, will offer an eight-part series of classes on "Basic Teachings of the Catholic Faith" taught by Fr. James Reidy, Ph.D., on Mondays, March 2 through April 20, 2009, from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. in the St. Helena Parish Office Building, 3204 East 43rd Street. This series is for adult Catholics who want to learn more about their religion; those who are not Catholic and just want some background on the Catholic Faith; and adult Catholics who have not received one or more of the following sacraments: Penance (Confession), Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist. There is no charge except $14.95 for the textbook (complimentary textbooks are available by calling 612-729-7321). For more information or to register, please call 612-729-7321.

Fr. Michael Keating to speak at "Saturday Breakfast for Men"
The Church of St. Helena, Minneapolis, will sponsor a "Saturday Breakfast for Men" with Fr. Michael Keating, Ph.D., speaking on "What Is It To Be a Father - as Completion of a Masculine Personality?" on Saturday, February 28, in Rowan Hall, 3204 East 43rd Street. Men are invited to attend Mass first at 8:00 A.M. in the Church, followed by a full, hearty breakfast in Rowan Hall at 8:30 A.M. and Fr. Keating's talk at 8:45 A.M. (which ends promptly at 9:30 A.M., but men may remain for questions until 10:00 A.M.) The cost for the breakfast is $5, but a free-will offering will also be taken to cover expenses, such as speaker's honorarium, publicity, etc. Reservations must be made by 12:00 Noon on Friday, February 27. Complimentary tickets are available by calling 612-729-7321.

Fr. Andrew Cozzens begins Friday Lenten Series
with talk about Mother Teresa of Calcutta's “Dark Night'

The Church of St. Helena, Minneapolis, will begin “A Lenten Series on The Spiritual Life" with a talk on "Mother Theresa of Calcutta's 'Dark Night': What Her Life Says to Ours" by Fr. Andrew Cozzens, S.T.D., on February 27 from 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. in Rowan Hall, 3204 East 43rd Street. Other speakers for the next five Fridays include: Fr. James Reidy, Ph.D.; Fr. Scott Carl, S.S.L.; Fr. John Paul Echert, S.S.L.; Jonathan Reyes, Ph.D.; and John F. Boyle, Ph.D. The tuition is $4 per evening. Complimentary tickets are available by calling 612-729-7321. (Stations of the Cross will be held in the Church at 7:00 P.M.)

St. Helena's is conveniently located just southwest of the Hiawatha Avenue and 42nd Street intersection in South Minneapolis near Minnehaha Park. See Map

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