
Thursday, November 1, 2007

It's not just All Saints Day today; it's also the Feast Day of St. Riccardo Pampuri who is Minnesota's only saint, so far!

On this date in 1989, St. Riccardo Pampuri was canonized by Pope John Paul II (the Great).

St. Riccardo,
born August 12, 1897 in Trivolzio (Lombardy), Italy, was a physician who was employed for some time at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. He died 1 May 1930 in Milan, Italy. Apparently there is a statue of him in St John the Evangelist parish in Rochester. More research is needed.

St Blog's favorite search engine, Google, has provided us with a little more on our new Saint, including a translation from the Italian,

Cripta with the Body of Saint Riccardo Pampuri Saint Riccardo Pampuri The Church of TrivolzioSaint Riccardo Pampuri

The Vatican on St Riccardo Pampuri, O.H. (1897 - 1930)

Hospitaller Brothers of Saint John of God

Canonized 1 November, 1989, only the fourth physician ever

The presence of Riccardo in our church is a beautiful gift of memory as together we beg for the grace of healing in the name of Jesus. Our many visitors come as beggars with hearts longing and asking for strength in the face of suffering and medical needs.

We are prayerfully mindful of everyone who serves at the Mayo and Olmsted Medical Community and all of the sick. We pray through the intercession of San Riccardo that all our sisters and brothers know the comfort of trusting the presence of Christ who gives purpose and meaning to sacrifice.
San Riccardo, pray for us.

Church of St John the Evangelist, Rochester, MN

San Riccardo Pampuri - Wood
The statue of San Riccardo is a gift from Msgr. Luigi Giussani
founder of Communion and Liberation, Milan, Italy

Google Directory: St. Riccardo Pampuri

In addition to St. Riccardo, the cause for the canonization of another Italian, Dr. Giancarlo Rastelli, who also served at the Mayo Clinic as a pioneer pediatric heart surgeon until his death in 1969 from Hodgkin's Disease, has been opened in Italy.

And of course, the Servant of God, Solanus Casey, born in Prescott, WI, across the river from Hastings, MN, has been pending for some time. Just last month it was reported that the second miracle need for him to be declared "Blessed" has been found and sent to Rome. If Solanus is canonized, he would become the first American born male saint.

1 comment:

The Ironic Catholic said...

Thanks for the picture of the statue! A doctor sitting to listen with hands open--cool.

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