
Friday, November 2, 2007

Voting for the 2007 Weblog Awards is now open

In the best Chicago Tradition, you can vote every 24 hours for your favorites. I'm not sure when voting closes. They might not be either.

Local and Catholic Favorites are:

Best Blog: Captain's Quarters

Best Individual Blogger: The Anchoress

Funniest Blog: Local Fave, the I.C., didn't make the finalists.

Best Conservative Blog: Captain's Quarters

Best Conservative Blog: Powerline

Best Religious Blog: Father Z's W.D.T.P.R.S.

Best Religious Blog: The Deacon's Bench

Best Diarist: Our very own, Desparate of the D.I.H. (Desperate Irish Housewife)

Go to the Blog Index to vote. There is no registration as in their own magical way, computers have the ability to recognize each other and they can tell if you have voted in the last 24 hours for Father Z or Desperate. I suppose if you own 40 computers, you could vote 40 times a day, if you want.


Terry Nelson said...

I thought I saw that Cafeteria Is Closed was #1 in the finals. If I was a voting man, I'd vote for Gerald.

Unknown said...

I'm hot and cold on Gerald. I wonder what he's doing for a living? He quit his job some time ago, has been travelling the world, moved to a new home, etc.

I think he has too much stuff, but I suppose that's how he gets lots of visitors. He ought to get rid of most of those previous post titles at the top and just depend upon a search engine.

I kinda put him in the same category as Jimmy Akin, Mark Shea (Catholic and Enjoying It) and Greg Popcak the Marriage Counselor (Heart, Mind and Strength).

They post way too much stuff. I figure if they have something really great, somebody will pick it up and link to it and then I will read it.

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