Wednesday, August 30, 2006

You still can make a difference at the Chancery


Cathy_of_Alex, our novice blogger who just started the other day at The Recovering Dissident Catholic, was browsing through her most recent issue of The Wanderer, national Catholic newspaper, and shrewdly picked up on the fact that the folks at the Chancery had removed the name of an individual from its list of "Catholic Resources" who was into "Women's Spirituality, drum and ritual groups, River Spirit, focusing on eco-spirituality and the Misissippi River" and as a shamanic "Local Minister of the Circle of the Sacred Earth" The Wanderer feels that local bloggers were responsible for the publicity that spurred the Chancery into action."

Read Cathy's post here.

Along the same line, Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Plymouth recently cancelled a scheduled program with the Catholic Pastoral Committee on Sexual Minorities - CPCSM, an organization of parents of gays whose director is also the organizer of the Rainbow Sash movement's activities at the St Paul Cathedral. This cancellation was due to complaints by bloggers and others.

So if you see something that is not appropriate for the Archdiocese or a parish, let the Chancery know.

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