Monday, July 10, 2006

I Honor The Divine Within You. You Personally, On The Other Hand, Are Another Story

Sue from Desparate Irish Housewife has been absent from these parts for some time, gallivanting around the East Coast, partying up a storm, one hears. And as you might expect, she's brought one of those trendy coastal fads back with her, Yoga To Sweat By:

I went to my first "bikram yoga" class" last week. That' s the kind where they heat the studio to 104 degrees. Supposedly this is meant to simulate weather conditions in southern India, so yoga practitioners can get that authentic third world experience. Everyone strains through the poses, guzzles bottled water and sweats like a rain forest. It's a bonding experience.

I went to my first class while I was still back on the East Coast. Even though it was sweaty and slippery, not two of DIH's favorite conditions, it was quite exhilarating. You sweat through 90 minutes of yoga poses and you feel like you can do pretty much anything. So when I got back to Minneapolis I looked up a studio. [snip] You must read more

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