Sunday, July 9, 2006

The Scandal Of Men's Weakness

Terry, a doppel-blogger, who posted earlier today on his Abbey-Roads blog about Compunction, has continued his thoughts on his Rome-ing Catholics blog with The Scandal of Men's Weakness

"My power is made manifest in weakness."

Prophets are often held in contempt and rejected by those towhom they are sent. The choice of God rarely, if ever, meets the narrow andshortsighted criteria set up by men. God chooses the broken man andpromises to repair him. He chooses the fallen man and promises to raise himup. He chooses the man deformed by sin and promises to reform him by grace.Even more surprising is that God does not wait until the broken arecompletely repaired, the fallen steady on their feet, and the deformedtotally reformed, before using them. He chooses his prophets, entrusts themwith a mission, and sends them out while they are still imperfect. [snip] Read More

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