Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Parishioner Wants Bible Studies Taken Out Of Mass


An irate "Latin scholar" writes to The Catholic Spirit:

I am writing in response to one specific change to the Mass translation that was approved recently by the U.S. bishops; namely, the change adding “to come under my roof’” to the “Lord, I am not worthy to receive you,” which we say just before receiving Communion. I have heard two reasons for this change.

First, it more accurately quotes the passage of Scripture; and second, it more accurately translates the Latin original text of the Mass.

At the risk of making a mountain out of molehill, I would like to offer my reaction.

First, I think the change misunderstands the liturgical use of Scripture. Liturgy adapts Scripture for the purposes of worship. It is not intended to be a Bible study. [snip] The Catholic Spirit

If that is the case, one wonders why so much time is wasted then at Mass in reading the Psalms, the Epistles and the Gospels and having homilies based upon them. This fellow could get out of Mass a half hour early if "Bible study" would be eliminated from it.

God save us from experts.

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