Sunday, October 1, 2006

What are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit?


What are the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit?

Wisdom: Comprehend divine and human realities from God’s perspective

Understanding: Appreciate, relish and penetrate the inner meaning of revealed truths

Counsel: Learn from the Presence of God in the insignificant moments of our lives

Fortitude: Overcome difficulties & temptations that usually would have defeated us

Knowledge: Judge correctly the emptiness of created things and the fullness of our Faith

Piety: Develop a worship of and confidence in God as Father and all others as family

Fear of the Lord: Avoidance of occasions of sin out of reverence and love of God


Book on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Blessed Raymond Lull 1312 A.D., [Grin; I've been looking for a Patron Saint]

GOD most glorious, You are the Lord of all that is, and You are worthy of being loved, remembered and understood above everything. With love, reverence and fear, here begins this book about the seven gifts given by the Holy Spirit.

As the Holy Spirit is a divine person, given by GOD to GOD himself, namely GOD the Father and GOD the Son, from whom It proceeds in an infinite and eternal procession, it is therefore fitting that we should compose some sermons about the seven gifts given by the Holy Spirit.
These gifts are :

(1) wisdom, (2) science, (3) intellect, (4) counsel, (5) fortitude, (6) piety, (7), fear.
As the gifts given by the Holy Spirit are known, so can the Holy Spirit be known, as the giver can indeed be known through the gifts he gives. And whoever knows the giver, can also know the gifts the giver fittingly bestows, to make the gifts known. And the giver must be loved, understood, remembered, praised, honored and served. Therefore, it is fitting to compose sermons about the gifts given by the Holy Spirit, so that the people may know how to love, understand and remember GOD, and venerate, praise and serve the Holy Spirit.

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