Sunday, October 1, 2006

A Typical Day at the St Paul Seminary

Aaron, a seminarian in the Graduate School of Divinity at the St Paul Seminary, separate from, but also located on the St Thomas University campus like the St John Vianney College Seminary, shares a typical day with us:

According to the description of this blog, through our entries we seminarians are supposed to provide you with "A little insight into the life of twelve seminarians preparing for ministry as Catholic priests, including daily activities..." Let me give you a sort of general overview of our life here. The following is a description of our daily activities here at the St. Paul Seminary.

The day begins early at SPS. Our first activity of the day is an optional hour of Eucharistic Adoration from 6-7am. A number of our men use this time of quiet as their longest period of personal prayer time throughout the day. This is their "holy hour" of the day. It provides us with an opportunity to begin each day in prayer and adoration before our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament. Men use this time to pray the Office of Readings (or Vigils) from the Liturgy of the Hours, to do other spiritual reading, to pray the rosary and other devotions, or simply to sit quietly in the presence of our Eucharistic Lord. This time of prayer is optional because the morning is not the ideal time for everyone to pray. Making a visit to our Blessed Sacrament chapel one will find seminarians making their holy hours or shorter times of prayer throughout the day.

The first required event of the day is 7am when the community comes together in the St. Mary's Chapel to pray Morning Prayer (or Lauds, another prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours). After morning prayer most of us will head over to the Binz Refectory for some breakfast and coffee before the first classes begin at 8am. [snip....] Future Priests of the Third Millenium

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