Positive news on adult stem-cell research was sent from California recently, and now good news comes from Boston.
Dr. David Stevens of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA) says the cells are not ready to be used for treatment yet. "Scientists are working on this right now," Stevens contends. "They're predicting that, within a year or two, they'll solve that problem, and we could see treatments within five years that could radically change the course of diseases for patients with some very serious, lifelong, chronic problems."
Dr. George Q. Daley of Boston's Children's Hospital told LifeNews.com that these adult stem cells are disease-specific and "offer an unprecedented opportunity to recapitulate both normal and pathologic human tissue formation in vitro, thereby enabling disease investigation and drug development."
Stevens was asked how many cures or treatments have been developed from human embryo research. "Zero," he says. "Embryonic stem-cell research just continues to be very difficult to make all the dreams that scientists had even come close to reality." OneNewsNow
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