Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Faith and Morals Retreat for Children and Parents, April 8

Faith and Morals Retreat "Stepping Up to Lay it Down!"
April 8th, 2006, Providence Academy, Plymouth

Sponsorted by Totus Tuus Catholic Youth Organization

Teens ages 10 years and older and their parents are invited to attend the Faith and Morals Retreat. Topics include:

"Happiness and the Catholic Moral Life”
Dr. Todd Flanders, Headmaster at Providence Academy

"Personal Conversions: Why be Catholic and Why Stay

Father Corey Belden, Associate Priest at IHM in Minnetonka and Dr. Nicoleta Manciu, Anesthesiologist, Masters in Theology-Ave Maria: both are converts to Catholicism

"Is Virtue out of Date?—Teens Speaking Out on Living
Virtuous Lives”

Come and Learn from Teens just like you! Terry Quinn and Jane Rea, Masters in Theology-Ave Maria as moderators. Teens, come share your witness on faith and morals.

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