Thursday, June 1, 2006

Into great silence. . . .

Eighth day of the Novena to the Holy Spirit.
I started the novena on the traditional Ascension Thursday - so I have way too many days for a novena. But today is in effect the begining of the triduum for the feast of Pentecost. I want to enter into a more silent way of prayer, more hidden and interior in preparation for the Holy Spirit. I thought I'd put up a piece from Guigo the Carthusian on solitude and solitary prayer. [See More]

Terry from rome-ing catholics has strayed from the strict definition of what a "novena" is. But in private prayer, that is perfectly OK. I missed one day on mine and I just kept going. Jesus will understand. So, if you didn't start it on time to end on the Vigil of Pentecost, that's OK, you could start it today and finish when you finish. Jesus will understand that, too.

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