Sunday, June 11, 2006

Liturgical Violation O' the Day


Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! Then we can keep track and tally who is the liturgical abuse winner at the end of the year. Im sure our favorite St. joans will destroy the competition.

We really should keep track so we can present it to the new Bishop so he can be educated on the parishes that need fixin.

Adoro said...


I'm pretty sure any incoming bishop is going to have no problem whatsoever discerning the problem areas here. After all...our problem areas are quite famous. Our most shining and holy areas are quite famous. I'm thinking that the service provided here will assist him in determining which questionable and pre-cancerous areas he must treat first to prevent them from metasticizing to the degree of SJA, which of course, should be removed in a SJAectomy.

I'm already rolling up my sleeve in order to donate blood for the redemption of the ailing parishes...let's unite! :-)

Anonymous said...

Just curious... Why is it a liturgical violation to present the reading in both Spanish and English? I assume the Burnsville parish reaching out to Spanish speaking people in the community.

Unknown said...

I think the issue here is that the reading was done "simultaneously."

And don't forgot that it is a cartoon and not on an editorial page. Often meant to be amusing.

Terry Nelson said...

Where are you Ray? You usually have a lot more posts than this. Miss you!