Friday, June 2, 2006

Matthew Fox's New Theology to be Nailed Up for your Review on Pentecost

Clayton, Twin Cities expatriate, now blogging as The Weight of Glory in Los Angeles, discusses the new theology of Dominican apostate, Matthew Fox, recent speaker in April at one of St Joan of Arc parish's "events." Fox unveiled his own "95 Theses", reminiscent of those of Martin Luther in 1517 that were nailed to the door of the Wittenberg, Germany, church. Luther's statement is deemed to be the creation point of the Lutheran (or "Evangelical") Church. Fox urged the "Joanies" to do the same this Pentecost at various churches in the St Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese. [Details]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the "Working Gospel" they preach over at ECUSA!Compared to Matthew Fox, Martin Luther was an orthodox Catholic!

I'm sure Matthew Fox must be a favorite of Cardinal Mahony! May the Lord have mercy on us all
