Friday, June 2, 2006

To Inspire Love: A Return to Modesty

Ted Sri, a Professor for only a few more weeks at Benedictine College in Atchison, KS, was in St Paul a couple of weeks ago at Nativity parish talking about The Da Vinci Code. The other day, Father Mitch Pacwa had him on EWTN talking about Mary in the Bible and other things. He will be teaching in Denver starting next Fall. But I"m going to give him Minnesota citizenship and start posting things that he has to say. The man is hot! And you should know what he's about.

Here's something to whet your appetite from the Catholic Educator's Resource Center!

In our post-sexual-revolution world, skimpy dresses, mini-skirts, tiny bikinis, low -rise pants, and low-cut shirts have become part of the mainstream attire for women today. And anyone who might raise questions about the appropriateness of such dress is viewed as “rigid,” “old fashioned,” or “out of touch” with modern style. Modesty is no longer a part of our culture’s vocabulary. Though most people sense they wouldn’t want their own daughters dressing like Madonna and Britney Spears, few have the courage to bring up the topic of modesty, and even fewer know what to say if they did. [snip] [Here's More]

A Tip O' the Hat to the blog with my favorite moniker: The Catholic Golfer

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